Eating for Success !
I was recently asked by a few people about what behaviors and foods they might want to utilize to keep weight off. Here are a few quick tips that will help you on your way.
1. Eat Chocolate
I was terrible at saving money. I would put all of it away and end up blowing the whole amount because i never gave myself anything to live by. The same can be said for sweet foods, have a little deliberately rather than totally restricting yourself! Satisfy your sweet craving with a small portion of dessert after a meal and hopefully it should stop you snacking throughout the day!
Consuming 1,800 milligrams of calcium a day could block the absorption of about 336 kJ. High amounts of calcium can be found in Kale and spinach so try and get these leafy veg into your lunch time salad. Flaxseed, sesame seeds, brazil nuts and Almonds also contain high levels of calcium so snack on these throughout the day. Milk, Cheese and Yogurt all have high levels of calcium but the fat content would make you weak at the knees! So abstain a little...!
3.Heat it up a bit...
Capsaicin is the substance that puts the hot in hot chilli. It can temporarily boosts your metabolism. Put a bit in your lunch or dinner and you’ll be working while you sleep!
4. Find yourself some fibre
Fibre will fill us up and keep our digestion working. Complex fibre is the best and is hard to decompose, so it will not only fill you up but get your jaw working overtime meaning we don’t crave chewing straight after a meal. Oats and weetbix and brown breads have stacks of complex fibre and don’t forget organic is better because it is less processed and try and have these in your first meal of the day.
5. Buy Pre-cut Vegetables
It is an easy way to cut the leg work out of taking veggies to work ad ensure that you snack on carrots and celery. Make it accessible and inexcusable
6. Water Your Body...
A dry body means we crave sweat things. Every time you reach for the sugar grab a glass of water. Remember that you want to be drinking around 1 L per 25kg of body weight. The sooner you start the more likely you are going to notice those sugar cravings drop off
7. Go Public
Make sure everyone knows that you are trying to loose weight or get healthy. Post photos, status’, send message and enlist the support of your friends. It works as an acknowledgement method and can help battle the early on discouragement that many people face when trying to loose weight by themselves
8.Make your meal colourful
greens, oranges and purples are all great colors to have on your plate. The more the better! Stay away from yellows- i.e pastas, potatoes, starches and general carbohydrates! Filling but also unnecessary in high quantities when trying to loose weight. The more colorful the plate the more veggies you usually have!
9. Detox
It is never a bad thing to juice fast or do a cleanse. You would be surprised at how much weight can be lost from getting rid of all the stored toxins in your body. Make sure you research your detox though and consult a health expert before you start.
10.Train with me
Or someone! Training is the 50% percent of the weight-loss game. Get your food balance right and you’ll be on the right path. Working with a professional is great because it gives you a direction to follow. I have always been a big believer in a plan. Our training is planned in eight week blocks so that you have less unknowns and more expected results. Call today and we can work on a nutrition plan together as well.