Saturday, December 31, 2011

To train or not to train...

If I have learnt anything since I began training with others, it's that the success of your efforts will depend on your ability to firmly decide and align your actions with what you want. Since I began working with people at Stephen Halpin Fitness and Education, I have seen some remarkably quick successes and then some incredibly long winded exercises regimes. The differences always seem to lie in the individual’s ability to make a decision and really go for it, combined with a suitable level of commitment.

Successful participants are generally very deliberate and efficient with their time and self-management. They have an ability to maintain good habits that contribute in some sense toward their goal. An aligned individual can clearly distinguish between behaviors that are supportive as opposed to impeding and can often verbalize or pass an effective judgment on their actions based on fact rather than perception.

However, the long-winded training programs are usually characterized by an inability to harness ones emotional reactivity too outside influences. What I mean by this is that we often find ourselves wanting something but are not willing to change our circumstance to accommodate the time and effort required to make change. The individual that wants to change but cannot find time to train is lost in this type of environment and will most likely experience disappointment and failure because efforts are controlled by outside forces rather than internal determination.

So what are you looking to achieve this summer? Is it a trim body, feeling good, weight gain or perhaps weight loss and a personal best? Whatever your goal an imperative starting point is to ask yourself; “why do I want to achieve this, followed with "how am I going to do this". Normally I am not a big supporter of "whys", but in this case, clarifying your reasons will help you succeed because your reasons should excite you and help you find the "hows" that will enable the successful completion of this goal.

Once you have decided on your goal, get in touch with me, because for most, stating a training program is a daunting process that can be overwhelming and full of misalignment. You see a doctor for health, a teacher for education, a dentist for dental hygiene so why not a fitness educator for training? We have revolutionized the ways in which you can explore your mind and create personal alignment. We provide a medium for healthy activity and support you to achieve your goals and will ensure that you stay on the right track. What ever your fitness needs, join us and experience the most profound and dedicated fitness education program on the planet.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hump week

The 4 week mark into a training program can be tough, especially if it's your first training program. Most likely the 2 week feel good vibe has dropped a little, your muscle stiffness may be up and life is probably starting to get a bit more hectic, because your trying to juggle your new found enthusiasm for running with work, your partner, or kids. The idea of slipping on your runners is no where near as alluring as slipping into bed and just relaxing, but I can assure you, we have all been in that place!

None the less, it can be a purgatory for your training program. Indecision and un-motivation can sabotage all your good efforts, leaving you less inclined to stretch out and more likely to stay in! The dreaded relapse! Typically determined by discouragement and short term goals, a relapse is generally caused by misalignment between our present moment wants and our long term needs. The million dollar question is how do we get back to mental space that facilitates training and combats training fatigue...How do we tackle hump week?!

Of course your personal trainer or fitness educator has a responsibility to support you and ensure that your training program is adequately tweaked and fitted to your mind set and physical ability. Unfortunately this is as far as they can go. 24 hour support lines and constant reassurance are probably available, but hump week begins and ends in your mind alone. So no matter how many times we tell you to get back in to the park, until you decide to do so, "it ain't gonna happen!".

At Stephen Halpin Fitness Education and Training, we have combated hump week with a unique industry breaking review process, which utilizes specific consciousness raising techniques to critique and explore hump week blues. The results are phenomenal because people that embark on a training program decide to continue with it and are able to move through most discouragement's, meaning that they align their momentary goals with behaviors that contribute to the effective attainment of what they want. That's why we boast a 100% success rate.

Without giving away any secrets, if you are experiencing this phenomena the advice I will give you is to look at what your goal is. List what you are doing to make that happen, and then list the actions that are working against you. This may take some honesty, but should you decide to actually look at what you are doing, you can address these action with effective behaviours and create your goals with ease. The key to this activity lies in specifics, so get down to the nitty gritty and be as relevant and truthful as you can be.

A second great option is to look at your goals and assess weather you have set the right goals. This can be a bit tricky to do if you haven't self assessed before. However their is no better goal setting and evaluating procedure than the Right For You Goals, found in in the "Resurfacing, Techniques for Exploring Consciousness" book by Harry Palmer. If you are embarking on this type of review for the first time I recommend you purchase one of these as a guide. Simply put, the goals you make and come back to are the single most important safety net that will ensure a safe passage through hump week. This is simply because putting your attention on your goals should re focus your efforts and help you really succeed. If it's not the right goal you won't want to do it.

So hopefully you have a few avenues to explore if hump is looming, or upon you. If you need any advice get in touch, mention this article and we can do a free consultation. Summers about to start so I look forward to training with you!

Stephen Halpin
For any training inquires please call 61435290533 or visit us on Facebook

Resurfacing links;