Wednesday, September 5, 2012

More often than not I get asked, "how do you get the motivation to train?...How do I get the motivation to train?". It's a simple question with an even simpler answer: "find people that want to train too". Get help, get a support group, find friends, train together. 

I rarely train by myself. I have a coach of my own and training partners, friends that like playing sports, running and lifting weights. It is a fitness network, which I rely on and use to facilitate my own training. 
An important factor in this network is that every person is aligned on the goal to improve their health, weight or wellbeing. So training doesn't fall through, or never eventuate. There is an unwritten understanding "You support me and I will support you", so it can become a pretty intimate relationship and they take time to build. I have been training with some people for over five years.

So if you are are looking for a sideways step into training and you need a support group, a professional group training session is the perfect answer because:

1)It Provides Motivation:
You have someone who is willing to support your intention to get healthy....even if you don't want to support it! Your trainer is your training buddy and will be there watching, monitoring and pushing you along to succeed! At the start of any long term health project, after the first two weeks your motivation can drop and you can fall off the band wagon. At group training sessions your trainer is the external pressure that helps keep you motivated long enough until your fired up yourself!  

2)Provides Routine: 
You have set days, you know when your training is...The only block between you achieving what you want is your participation. you can lock it in your diary and make sure your out of work on time, your gym bag is in the car and you are pumped to go! Routine is the key!

3)Provides Support
You train in a unique and supportive environment, which is always invigorating because you are surrounded by people who want to do the same thing! Having other people around you is powerful because it bridges the physical and the social boundaries which stop us training. Suddenly, after a long day in the office, when all you feel like doing is eating ice cream and watching T.V, Sally, Rob and Mike have texted you "see you at group training?". No excuses, better  get the gym bag!

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